Factors to Consider When Selecting New Door Locks For Your Home

The locks on your house door are often the most underrated when it comes to upgrading home security. Despite the fact that we use our house door locks every day, we tend to forget how important it is to upgrade your house locks as a security measure.

The only time that we find ourselves replacing our house locks is in the case of an attempted break-in or when we lose the keys. Did you know that you should consider upgrading your house locks often as a security measure? Here are some of the factors to put into consideration when you think of upgrading your house locks.

1. What Type of Lock Best Suits Your Needs?

Different house locks are designed to meet different needs. In other words, house door locks are not available in a general format. Consider that there is no particular lock type that will universally work for every door and serve every purpose.

House locks are specially designed to serve a particular purpose. Therefore, to ensure that you are purchasing the right house door lock, you need to understand the purpose of the lock and also consider if the manufacturer’s intention when making that lock matches your current needs.

2. What is the Security Grade of that Lock?

The security grades are also another important factor to consider. Unfortunately, not all homeowners understand lock security grading. This is the reason why, when purchasing the locks, one is likely to make a random selection based on the look of the lock.

Lock manufacturers, on the other hand, will skip lock testing and sell the door locks without having them certified to meet the security grading. This doesn’t mean that all locks aren’t evaluated to meet the security grading.

The security lock grading numbers are meant to give you a general idea of how strong the locks are. The grading is indicated as a number on the side of the lock. It also takes into consideration the number of cycles that the lock will withstand before it has begun to deteriorate in quality.

3. Where Are You Going to Install the Lock?

The other important consideration when upgrading or changing new door locks, is that you should consider the location or the door where the lock is to be installed. For the lock to provide its maximum potential, it is important that it is utilized in the right manner. The location is also a serious consideration. Exterior door locks demand a high-security rating, for example. The interior locks will, in most cases, have a lower security rating.

It is important to note that the purpose of the door should depict the lock security rating to go for. Ideally, the lock type you will install on your front door is different from the lock that is going to be installed in your washroom and the other interior doors.

4. How the Lock Will Be Installed

The installation process of the lock is also an important consideration. Some high-security door locks will require a complete overhaul of the locking system with others requiring you change the door type as well. Seek to understand how the locks will be installed to make a decision on whether to purchase the lock or not.

Hire a Professional Locksmith When Installing New Door Locks for Your Home

These are some of the considerations to have at hand when purchasing replacement locks. It is important that you hire a professional locksmith to help you choose the appropriate lock for your door. This will help you to upgrade the security of your home and feel safe in the neighborhood again. Are you considering a lock upgrade for your home or commercial office? Contact ABM Locksmith today.