When Planning to Install Emergency Exit Devices

emergency exit devicePush bars are also referred to as emergency exit devices or panic bars.  They are commonly used in office buildings and in other rooms where there is a need to have an escape route in the case of an emergency like a fire. These emergency devices are usually installed on single doors, double doors and also other points in the building.

In practice, you can add an alarm system that alerts the people working in the building that there is an emergency. That is how you ensure it is an advanced emergency exit. Additionally, there are different designs to choose from when it comes to security system installation. You can, for instance, go for the key override or the handle level emergency exit system. However, to make a proper choice, you might need to consider the following.

  1. What is your Estimated Budget?

The amount you are planning to spend on the system should be the guiding factor. Often, you can negotiate on the features depending on where you want to install the system. Of course, the features will come at a price.

It is important to ensure that you don’t first concentrate on pricing and forget about the essence of having the system. The best practice is to do window shopping first and determine the amount needed to have a system that suits your needs.

  1. Determine the Security Level Needed

The security needs are a major factor to consider when choosing the emergency system for your building. Different features will be available on the different systems you want to install. For example, if you need an emergency system that will serve many people, you might want to go for the one that will sound an alarm to everyone in the building.

  1. Consider Asking an Expert

We all have different skills for the jobs that we do. If you are a facility manager, you might not have the skills needed to determine the best system for emergencies. Therefore, it is important to consider contacting a knowledgeable expert on matters of emergency exit systems.

Are you looking for the best emergency exit devices on the market? Contact ABM Locksmith Orange at (714)500-7072 for the best exit devices installation for your business.

Factors to Consider When Selecting New Door Locks For Your Home

The locks on your house door are often the most underrated when it comes to upgrading home security. Despite the fact that we use our house door locks every day, we tend to forget how important it is to upgrade your house locks as a security measure.

The only time that we find ourselves replacing our house locks is in the case of an attempted break-in or when we lose the keys. Did you know that you should consider upgrading your house locks often as a security measure? Here are some of the factors to put into consideration when you think of upgrading your house locks.

1. What Type of Lock Best Suits Your Needs?

Different house locks are designed to meet different needs. In other words, house door locks are not available in a general format. Consider that there is no particular lock type that will universally work for every door and serve every purpose.

House locks are specially designed to serve a particular purpose. Therefore, to ensure that you are purchasing the right house door lock, you need to understand the purpose of the lock and also consider if the manufacturer’s intention when making that lock matches your current needs.

2. What is the Security Grade of that Lock?

The security grades are also another important factor to consider. Unfortunately, not all homeowners understand lock security grading. This is the reason why, when purchasing the locks, one is likely to make a random selection based on the look of the lock.

Lock manufacturers, on the other hand, will skip lock testing and sell the door locks without having them certified to meet the security grading. This doesn’t mean that all locks aren’t evaluated to meet the security grading.

The security lock grading numbers are meant to give you a general idea of how strong the locks are. The grading is indicated as a number on the side of the lock. It also takes into consideration the number of cycles that the lock will withstand before it has begun to deteriorate in quality.

3. Where Are You Going to Install the Lock?

The other important consideration when upgrading or changing new door locks, is that you should consider the location or the door where the lock is to be installed. For the lock to provide its maximum potential, it is important that it is utilized in the right manner. The location is also a serious consideration. Exterior door locks demand a high-security rating, for example. The interior locks will, in most cases, have a lower security rating.

It is important to note that the purpose of the door should depict the lock security rating to go for. Ideally, the lock type you will install on your front door is different from the lock that is going to be installed in your washroom and the other interior doors.

4. How the Lock Will Be Installed

The installation process of the lock is also an important consideration. Some high-security door locks will require a complete overhaul of the locking system with others requiring you change the door type as well. Seek to understand how the locks will be installed to make a decision on whether to purchase the lock or not.

Hire a Professional Locksmith When Installing New Door Locks for Your Home

These are some of the considerations to have at hand when purchasing replacement locks. It is important that you hire a professional locksmith to help you choose the appropriate lock for your door. This will help you to upgrade the security of your home and feel safe in the neighborhood again. Are you considering a lock upgrade for your home or commercial office? Contact ABM Locksmith today.

Emergency Locksmiths for Hire

Locksmith Orange


An emergency locksmith іѕ whо уоu nееd tо саll if уоu fіnd yourself lосkеd оut оf your home оr car, оr your hоmе hаѕ bееn burglаrіzеd and уоu аrе іn dire nееd tо сhаngе thе locks аnd keys. Whеthеr уоu want tо add a ѕесurіtу ѕуѕtеm оr you nееd a ԛuісk re-entry fоr уоur hоmе, buѕіnеѕѕ, оr саr, emergency locksmiths аrе certified аnd trained professionals that can рrоvіdе ԛuісk аnd affordable solutions. Emergency ѕіtuаtіоnѕ arise whеn wе lеаѕt еxресt thеm tо, ѕо it іѕ a gооd thing that most emergency locksmiths fоr hіrе аrе аvаіlаblе 24-hours a dау.
Thеrе are also ѕеvеrаl locksmiths thаt wоrk еntіrеlу frоm thеіr mobile vаn, ѕо thеу саn соmе tо you any time durіng thе day or nіght.
If уоu саll a rерutаblе emergency locksmith, you are ensured thаt they рrоvіdе tіmеlу аnd efficient ѕеrvісеѕ.


Whеn еmеrgеnсу ѕіtuаtіоnѕ hарреn, you uѕuаllу dоn’t have thе time оr thе rеѕоurсеѕ tо fіnd a lосkѕmіth company. Mоѕt реорlе thаt аrе саught in a dіffісult lосkоut ѕіtuаtіоn соntасt thе fіrѕt locksmith that саtсhеѕ thеіr аttеntіоn.
It іѕ іmроrtаnt thаt you hіrе a locksmith thаt іѕ certified, ассrеdіtеd, аnd ԛuаlіfіеd tо provide lockout ѕеrvісеѕ for аnу tуре оf home аnd auto lосkѕ.
If уоu want tо gеt gооd vаluе fоr уоur mоnеу, сhооѕе a lосkѕmіth соmраnу that оffеrѕ a 100% guаrаntее with thеіr services. Othеr fасtоrѕ thаt уоu should tаkе іntо account when сhооѕіng аn emergency locksmith аrе tо check whеthеr or nоt they provide tіmеlу services аnd іf thеу соnduсt thеіr services wіthоut саuѕіng any damage to thе dооr оr lосk іn your home or car.
Most lосkѕmіthѕ are trаіnеd аnd ѕkіllеd tо rераіr аll tуреѕ оf lосkѕ, trаnѕроndеrѕ, аnd kеуlеѕѕ еntrу ѕуѕtеmѕ.
A rеlіаblе emergency locksmith is one thаt саn рrоvіdе a timely аnd еffісіеnt solution tо уоur рrоblеm.


If уоur hоmе is subject to a burglаrу, calling an emergency locksmith would bе a good dесіѕіоn.
For уоur оwn реасе оf mіnd, hіrе a truѕtwоrthу locksmith thаt can ѕесurе your home аftеr the brеаk-іn.
This tуре оf situation gеnеrаllу hарреnѕ durіng thе mіddlе оf the night, уоu can соunt оn a 24-hоur emergency locksmith to соmе оut tо уоur hоmе аt аnу tіmе and perform thе nесеѕѕаrу services such as changing оr repairing lосkѕ and dооrѕ. Thеrе are several рrоfеѕѕіоnаl аnd ԛuаlіfіеd locksmiths thаt аrе аblе tо mееt уоur hоmе оr buѕіnеѕѕ ѕесurіtу nееdѕ. Bеfоrе you сhооѕе a company, mаkе ѕurе that уоu knоw a thіng оr twо аbоut thеіr reputation and whеthеr оr nоt thеу аrе rеlіаblе аnd truѕtwоrthу.

How To Avoid Locksmith Scams in Los Angeles


When you are dealing with an emergency and you require immediate assistance, you just want to have the problem fixed quickly. However, this is the kind of situation where you are more vulnerable to locksmith scams. So, before you actually get locked-out, make sure to find the best locksmith in Orange who can help you at any time you need.

Here are some ideas on how to avoid being scammed out by a locksmith who has no experience or hiring a thief:


#1: Confirm the locksmith ID and licensure:

California is one of the 15 states who require locksmith licensing. So, as soon as the locksmith arrives, make sure to ask for his identification as well as for his license.

A good locksmith will also ask for your identification to make sure that the home, office or car are really yours.


#2: Ask for a cost estimate:

When you need to hire a locksmith, you will usually need to pay at least $60. However, when you call a company to ask for their prices, some will tell you that it should cost you between $15 and $40. When you see these prices, you better run away.

Even though you may think that this is the more affordable solution, as it appears to be, the truth is that these locksmiths will then include additional charges and fees when the job is complete. And then, you won’t have any other option unless paying what they ask.


#3: Ask about additional charges and fees:

Even though you may have got estimate costs around the $60 we just mentioned, it’s also best to be safe than sorry. So, make sure that you still ask the locksmith if there are any additional charges or fees that you’ll need to pay besides their quote. These can include service call minimums, mileage, or even emergency hours.


#4: Don’t allow the locksmith to drill your door ever:

A good locksmith won’t have any problems opening the door of your home with the right tools. He has all the skills he needs and he won’t even mention using a drill on your door.

In the case the locksmith just keeps insisting for you to do this, and unless you have a high-security lock (which most people don’t), stop him. He will just want to charge you more money for a new door and for a new locker.


#5: Different bids:

When you are checking out a locksmith Los Angeles website and see their quote there and then you call them and you are given a different quote, stay away from them. They probably just want to charge you more money for a crappy job.

As you can see, there are many things you can do to find the right locksmith Los Angeles. You just need to pay attention to what it is said and do your homework before you actually get locked out of home or of your car.